Start Preparing Today!
Whether your group is large or small, whether you’re coming from far, or live nearby, we encourage you to begin planning for your trip to Camporee right away. From fundraising and packing recommendations to travel arrangements, find the information you need to be ready for your International Pathfinder Camporee experience.
Directions & Parking
The International Pathfinder Camporee is located at the CAM-PLEX Facilities in Gillette, WY. It is approximately 138 miles west of Rapid City, SD, and 342 miles north of Denver, CO.
1635 Reata Dr, Gillette, WY 82718
(For navigational purposes only. Please do not ship to this address.)
Get directions on Google Maps.
There are many parking lots available on the Camporee grounds. View the Camporee map for their locations.
If you are wanting to be baptized at the International Camporee, be sure to click here for more information.
Bible and A Buck
Our goal for this year’s International Camporee is to collect 50,000 Bibles for distribution using US dollar donations to help make it happen. They are collected at the Main Stage before the evening program.
Start collecting today!
View more about Bible and a Buck